Statistics show that 60% of marriages end in divorce. For inmates only 3% of their marriages last past a year..We have been holding Marriage Seminars for over 15 years, mostly in the Florida Prisons. We believe our material can help marriages whether one is confined or not. We believe our material will help your marriage to be even  better. We have had great feedback on it. We are a nonprofit 501-C(3)
 so any donations are tax deductible.

 We teach a Biblically based program and even though there are no guarantees, we believe this can help your marriage as it has many others.We believe God gives us a Blueprint for Marriage, We offer our teaching to wives of inmates by way of this site. Email us your prayer request, Will pray and answer you back.

You can find the course on marriage on the "Wives of Inmates" page THESE PAGES ARE BEING UP-DATED

Phone: 850-562-3071
P.O. Box 53

Tallahassee,Fl 32302


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